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Sample Formal Contestment & Expedited Hearing Letter 1


The MSHA Solicitors office numbers are: Phone: 202-693-9333, Fax:202-693-9361.




To: Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

Subject: Request for Formal Contestment and Expedited hearing on abatement period ( add if requesting Expedited Hearing)


Dear Sir:

ABC Mining Co. requests a Formal Contestment of Citation # 1234567890 issued to us on 06/06/2008. We disagree with the inspector's evaluation of the alleged hazard and do not feel that the assigned gravity and negligence were correct.

1. The citation alleges failure to comply with 30CFR 56.___________.
2. Contestant denies that a violation occurred.
3. Contestant denies that any alleged violation was �Significant and Substantial.
4. Contestant denies that it, or any of its agents, was negligent with respect to the alleged violation.

We also request an Expedited Hearing on the Abatement Period assigned this citation by the inspector. ( add this paragraph if requesting an Expedited Hearing)



                                      D. Good Miner


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